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Visas and Waivers to Reunite Families

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Our law firm's primary objective for our clients who are located within the United States is to keep them and their families together by offering them as much security and protection as possible.  But we also have many clients whose family members have already been deported, often times many years before we were contacted.  In those situations, we spend the necessary time analyzing the immigration and criminal history of the person who was deported.  Sometimes, we conclude that nothing can be done to bring them back to the U.S.  But many times we are able to develop strategies, based on the right combination of visa and waiver, for bringing the person who was deported back to the United States.

Sometimes, a person who has been deported in the past may qualify for an immigrant visa, which is the same thing as a green card.  More often, the only potential option--at least in the short term--is a non-immigrant visa, normally a visitor or tourist visa.  This is especially common with people who have been deported more than once, or who were deported because of their criminal records.

Bringing people back to the United States is almost always a more complicated and difficult task than preventing their deportation in the first place.  For that reason, a formal consultation is usually required for us to determine whether it makes sense, for you and for us, to undertake such an effort.  If we determine that the case has a chance of success, we will be honest with you about how we will go about attempting to obtain the proper visa, and the proper waiver.  We will tell you how long we expect the process to take.  And, finally, we will determine how much the case will cost.
